Licensed  Professional Counselor

                                                                              HUNT COUNSELING FINANCIAL POLICY

The client who wishes to use insurance is responsible to verify out of network benefits, and obtain deductible information. Neither Chris Hunt nor Hunt Counseling PA is in network with any insurance or managed care.

Upon payment, Hunt Counseling will provide the client documentation for submission to their insurance company for reimbursement. It is the clients responsibility and highly recommended to obtain from their insurance company: 1. Whether or not the client has OUT OF NETWORK BENEFITS, 2.The amount of your OUT OF NETWORK DEDUCTIBLE, and 3. What percentage is reimbursed to the client once the deductible has been met.

The client is responsible for all interactions with the insurance company. Neither Chris Hunt nor Hunt Counseling PA provide billing services between clients and insurance companies.

A regular session lasts 45-50 minutes and the fee is $150. Payment is due at the time of service.

The client is solely responsible for any and all fees resulting from services from Hunt Counseling PA.

                                                                                           COURT APPEARANCES

Court appearances are billed at $250.00 per hour with a minimum charge of eight (8) hours, for a total of two thousand ($2000) dollars. This MUST be paid in such a way so that the check clears TWO FULL WEEKS PRIOR TO THE APPEARANCE.

Because the client-therapist relationship is built on trust with the foundation of that trust being confidentiality, it is often damaging to the therapeutic relationship for the therapist to be asked to present records to the court, testify, whether factual or in an expert nature, in court or deposition.

The therapist asks that clients only request a court appearance in extreme cases.

Unfortunately, this will likely, result in the need to terminate therapy and refer you to another therapist. In such cases as the therapist is ordered to testify by the court, or requested by the client about his/her counseling with you, the therapist will be monetarily compensated as set forth below.

In the event that it is necessary for the therapist to testify before any court, arbitrator, or other hearing officer to testify at a deposition, whether the testimony is factual or expert, or to present any or all records pertaining to the counseling relationship to a court official, the client agrees to pay the therapist for his or her services, including travel, preparation, and necessary expenditures (copies, parking, meals, and the like) at the rate of $250.00 per hour with a minimum charge of eight (8) hours, for a total of two thousand ($2000) dollars.